Here is the solution to improve your English language skills. Let me ask you a quick question, what else do you do to get one step better in English? You might think, why this question? Well that is because I know you want to become more fluent and with these five exercises every day, you will get that better and better in English. SO we need to see to it that we are training our four core skills, 'Reading', 'Writing', 'Speaking' and 'Listening'. All we will do is fixed 30 minutes of our day and practice to learn English quickly.
1) table spoon of word:
How do we usually start our day? We wake up and look at our phones, right? All you need to do is download any app which will give you 'word of the day' everyday, a new word, every day.So that tomorrow when you wake up, you will find a new word in your phone and it's meanings as well. They will also give you examples of how to use the word in a sentence, so make sure you understand if the word is a noun, adjective, verb, etc.
What is the plural of it? How to use it in different tenses? For example, today I learnt the word, 'Carefree'. It is an adjective that means I can use it to define someone's nature or feeling. Its meaning is having no worries. I saw an example of how it is used in a sentence, "She has a carefree attitude." Similar words which go with these were, 'Easy going', 'Happy go lucky' and few opposites, such as 'Worried', 'Serious'. Well by now I have really understood the word well. It actually took me 3 minutes to read all of this and in 3 minutes I have learnt a new word. But I need to make sure I will use it today itself and for that I have to write it down somewhere.
2) Notes to self:
All those who are new or good with English, all of us used to forget a new words. I'm a very forgetful person, so I make sure that I make a note of it in my phone and I have been following this practice since many years.Today I have a diary which I used to use in say 2009 and I have written so many words, sentences which I use in my daily conversations now. It is because of those notes and diaries, I'm able to see my journey from zero in English to being confident in the language. I'm going to add one important tip here, always learn new sentences and not just words. Just learning the word, 'carefree' doesn't help me use it. So I would make sure I write one sentence as well. Watch one episode, video, song, do not make this process boring, explore, Listening to English radio station, watch series on Netflix, Amazon, YouTube. Watch a movie, listen to songs, download audio stories they are very interesting. All those are available online with English subtitles. You can easily do this while eating breakfast, while sitting in the car, waiting for someone or preparing for an interview. Whenever you don't understand anything or any word, make sure you pause, search for the meaning rewind and play again. Remember that you have do all the steps below to learn English quickly.
3) focus on the pronunciation:
Observe how people using a word in a sentence, by this you will be improving your listening skills and let me tell you something, out of all the many exercises I did to improve my language skills, listening carefully was very, very essential. So what I used to do was, I used to watch 'Friends' with my elder sister and brother and I couldn't understand anything but body language, hand gestures, slowly in few years I had started understanding few sentences, just the way small kids learn languages, by listening to their family members or friends. Movies, series, songs really help in this journey. We humans start relating words with body language and then we also remember new words with their sound.That is why listening and observing becomes so very important. So make it fun, keep it alive and learn quickly.
4)Talking to yourself:
I encourage this process a lot, because I have tried and tested it. Has it ever happened to you that you are just alone and thinking about something in your native language or mother tongue? Suddenly someone asks you a question in English and your response to that is, 'um, 'huh' o' what? Or you cannot put your sentences together that is because you are not habitual to think in English. Let me explain better. When you are very emotional, angry or happy which language do you think in? If your answer here is anything apart from English language, then that is the reason we are not so fluent in English. Remember that you can get better in any language only when you start to think in that language. Best exercise without feeling shy, talk to yourself. Use the word that you've learnt today. This will help you to train your mind and nobody will judge you. Feel free to exercise this, believe me it will make you super-duper confident and it will make you to learn English quickly.
5) The three rules of learning:
This is the final stage of the exercises to learn English quickly, you have learnt a new word in the morning, then you have made a note of it. Listened to some nice English music, watched a movie or an episode, then you practiced the word and sentence in your mind, in your thoughts, now you need to be carefree and use it in reality, Talk to someone. Give yourself time to think before you start speaking. Keep the speed of your speech slow and most importantly, just be cool, wonderful! Now that you have spoken, you will do three things, 'Be open to get corrected by someone' and 'Learn from your mistakes', 'pat your back and treat yourself'.
6)Repeat all the exercises the next day:
Above five exercises will make sure that you enjoy this process and your four core skills of 'reading, writing, speaking and listening' become strong each day.Keep practicing, keep learning, keep smiling and learn English quickly
Do write to me in the comment section below and tell me what you've learnt today
Great and helpful tips.thanks for sharing 🙂