study tips for exams- proven scientifically

study faster and better

When exam are coming closer, your family, friends and people surrounding you will tell you tips to how to study and how not to study.  They suggest you a lot of study techniques to avoid fear, which may work to you and few may not. So do we have any study techniques that works scientifically, well  here is 8 scientific tips that actually work and will help you to study faster and better.

8 Scientifically Proven Ways to get Better marks

1) Try to avoid studying at night:

 It has been scientifically proven that studying at night or sleep deprivation causes less working memory reduced ability to execute functions and also lowers your physical reaction time. Lack of sleep causes a lot of tiredness which eventually lowers your brain functionality study during daytime as much as possible and have a peaceful sleep at night 

2) how to study:

According to a study contected by Microsoft, the average human being now has an attention span of 8 seconds and the average concentration span can be between one to two hours according to 'Pomodoro Technique' you should study in small chunks of 25 to 30 minutes and take a 5-minute break now if you are not able to finish a particular topic in 30 minutes this is where the "Zeigarnik effect" which says that will remember uncompleted or interrupted tasks better than completed tasks. Sitting for 8 to 10 hours at once is not a good idea because in short repetitive sessions the brain is better at translating information into sign apps

3) Make a plan and keep a goal:

Keep very small goals for yourselves like learning the Pythagoras theorem or the parts of a human brain, study one topic at a time and make sure that you not just understand the topic but you should also be able to teach that concept to someone else too. If you have one target then you can focus more and better. A study contected that During a study two groups of people were given a topic to study, In GROUP A the students were just asked to study a topic In GROUP B they were told that they had to teach the topic to a class students after they have studied it results showed that GROUP B performed better than GROUP A. This means if you teach a particular topic to someone your brain trains itself in a more coherent manner, so try to study in groups or teach your friends that is a more logical and consistent way. 

4) Make a timetable:

Now we're to study by designing a timetable and fix the spot for your study and your study should have everything that you might need. While studying sit on a chair this will keep your posture proper, do not study on bed they are meant for sleeping, make sure the room is lightened enough and the direction of light will be best if it comes from behind, over the shoulder and light directly from above is also good. 

5) Listen classical music:

Music helps in studying but which type of music you are listening is the trick. Choose music that is different from your favorite genre and music with a repetitive pulse. Choose neutral music or any classical music and don't play too loud. The 'Mozart Effect' is the most famous theory that links music and cognitive performance which is closely related to learning and problem-solving skills. People also see that listening to Mozart can make you smarter but there's no scientific proof. Remember we are talking about music and not songs there should be bare minimum or zero lyrics.

6) Revise by flashcard:

A lot of you must be marking important statements in your book so that it will be easier for you to revise it later but they're scientifically better option to revise, that is by making flashcards when you randomly highlight a lot of things on a paper your brain cannot connect any of those topics together causing a fright and it also draws unnecessary attention to the topics which are not very important. When you look at the front side of a flashcard and think of an answer you are engaging a mental faculty known as active recall in other words you will try to remember the idea from the scratch instead of just looking at the paragraph in your textbook or remembering it on a questionnaire with multiple choices for this memory trail. Successful recall has been shown to create stronger neural connections, flashcards help you practice faster.

7) Practice:

practice as much as possible. The more confident you get by taking practice tests, you can know how much more efforts you still want to put in. So just practice practice well.

8) Stop using mobile 📱 :

Keep your phone away and start studying. The continuous updates on your phone are extremely distracting and kill your concentration. You can also try fasting which is like regular fasting but here you keep yourself away from the electronic gadgets and social media to do this you can try a few tips like turn the notifications off, reduce the number of times you check your phone, keep time for yourself to be more disciplined and if required remove a few apps from your phone.

Do you really need a scientific proof for this last step? ( comment your thoughts) 

 well friends these are the 8 scientific tips that helps to study better there are always exceptions in life so there may be students for whom few of these tips may not work so don't worry just find your best way to understand and study your topic.


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